Murcol cel - Cellular concrete adhesive - PTB Compaktuna

Murcol cel (P.T.B.-CEL) is a dry mixture of cement, sand and additives, to which only water is added to obtain an adhesive for aerated concrete.

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PTB 18.B

Murcol cel - Cellular concrete adhesive - PTB Compaktuna

Murcol cel (PTB-CEL) is a dry mixture of cement , sand and additives, to which only water is added to obtain an adhesive for cellular concrete , silicate bricks , plaster blocks and other light items.

Features :

  • Exact plasticity
  • Sufficiently long open time
  • Excellent maneuverability
  • Building insulation thanks to a low thermal conductivity coefficient (λ value)

Manual :

  1. Murcol cel should be mixed with approximately 26% water, i.e. ± 6.5 L of water on 25 kg of product.
  2. After careful mixing, the glue thus obtained must rest for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Then the glue must be mixed intensively again.
    The glue is now ready to use.
  4. When the mortar dries, protect it from frost, precipitation, strong wind and direct sunlight.
    The structures must remain protected against the cold, driving rain and wind.

Consumption :

Depending on the width of the bricks

Usage time:

± 3h

Mix ratio:

± 6.5 L of water per 25 kg bag (± 26%)

Conditioning :

25 kg: White.

Formerly: PTB-cel - Adhesive mortar for cellular concrete - PTB Compaktuna

PTB 18.B

Specific References