IMPERGUARD ST, waterproof roofing - Guard Industrie

Imperguard ST, waterproof roofing Guard Industrie
-waterproofs and protects against moisture
-limits the formation of mosses and lichens 
-resistant to UV and frost

Currently out of catalog
€51.79Tax Included
GUA 20600005000


ImperGuard ST is a repellent high performance for the protection of porous roofs against moisture.
ImperGuard ST penetrates deep pores of materials to make them impermeable and limits adverse effects due to moisture: infiltration, acid rain, erosion, cycle freeze/thaw, formation of mosses and lichens, appearance of blooms or saltpetre... The water-repellent properties of ImperGuard ST are acquired very quickly (a few hours to 3 days depending on conditions). ImperGuard ST is a non-film forming impregnation product, support remains permeable to air and water vapour. Totally colourless after application, it does alter neither the appearance nor the nature of the treated material. In addition, he perfectly UV-resistant and does not yellow over time.
Product in aqueous, solvent-free oil and biodegradable to 90%.

  • Waterproofs and protects against moisture
  • Strong penetrating power and rapid efficiency
  • Does form a film, breathable support
  • Odourless and invisible
  • Is resistant to UV and frost


ImperGuard ® ST is used outdoors on porous roofs in terracotta and cement. ImperGuard ® ST is used in new work and renovation.

Preparing media

  • Apply the product on a clean, dust, dry surface.
  • To remove dirt and traces of pollution use Wash'Guard and to eliminate the mosses and lichens Defoamers Guard.

Enforcement tools

Use a spray low pressure.


  • Use the product in its pure form: do not dilute.
  • Well shake the packaging before use and prior testing.
  • Support must be soaked to saturation in a layer or two layers "wet on wet" depending on the porosity.
  • Do not overload the bracket, remove any excess before drying.
  • Protected drying: 24 hours.
  • Maximum efficiencyobtained after 2 to 3 days.


Depending on the porosity of the material, the use of 1 L of ImperGuard ST is equivalent to the treatment of a surface between 5 and 8 m².

Guard Industrie
GUA 20600005000

Specific References


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