IMPERGUARD COLOR SPECIAL wood - Guard industry

IMPERGUARD COLOR SPECIAL WOOD -Water repellent and anti-grisaillement - Guard Industrie 


ImperGuard Color Special wood is a product of new generation for the protection and decoration of wood, crude or renovated. Composed of pigment minerals it allows to give the wood a decorative color in shade.

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GUA 56610005003

IMPERGUARD COLOR SPECIAL WOOD -Water repellent and anti-grisaillement - Guard Industrie 


ImperGuard Color Special wood is a product of new generation for the protection and decoration of wood, crude or renovated. Composed of pigment minerals it allows to give the wood a decorative color in shade.




Ecological product

Imperguard special color wood is:

  • -Water-based product.
  • -Without petroleum solvents or silicone.
  • -Non-hazardous, non-toxic.
  • -Over 80% biodegradable.
  • -VOC < 12 g/l.
  • ImperGuard Color Special wood protects the wood from water. It strongly decreases the water absorption of wood and has excellent durability in time. It delays the aging of the wood, facilitates maintenance and maintain its new and clean appearance much longer.
  • ImperGuard Color Special wood is an impregnation product that does not flake, blister not and does not yellow. It colors without altering the structure and appearance of wood (veining, fiber...).
  • ImperGuard Color Special wood applies indoors and outdoors on the vertical wood you want to protect and colour: Scots pine, maritime pine, FIR, douglas, larch. It is ideal for cladding, fences, shutters, panelling, joinery, garden furniture and all timber, excluding soil supports.
  • ImperGuard Color Special wood is applicable to materials rough or planed. Possible application on brackets brushed (for the version opaque only.)
  • 17 standard colours according to colour chart ImperGuard Color Special wood. The final hue depends on the initial colour of support.


Preparation of the support:
  • Always prepare the wood according to the DTU in force (DTU 59.1, DTU 42, DTU 36.1)
  • Support idea must present a maximum humidity rate of 18%.
  • New wood: apply the product on a clean, dusted, healthy and dry wood. A prior sanding grit 80 is recommended prior to application of ImperGuard Color Special wood.
  • Raw wood with aged, untreated first: sand with a grain < 120 to bare. Then dust the wood using a powerful vacuum to not limit the penetration of the protection product, under penalty of subsequent coat.
  • Apply the product in 30 minutes of sanding.
  • Do not apply weather rain or strong heat. 10 ° C to 30 ° C air temperature. Hydrometry rate ranging between 20% and 60%.
  • Support 15 ° C to 25 ° C temperature.
  • Recommended temperature of the product before application of between 15 ° C and 25 ° C.
  • A screening test in condition on a small surface and let dry 24 hours. Check the grip.
  • Use the product in its pure form: do not dilute.
  • Shake the product for at least 1 minute with a stirrer to homogenize the product.
  • Apply in the direction of the wood and fibers on all sides visible and exposed to the outside.
  • Soak up the support in 2 layers without overload.
  • Minimum yield per layer: 80 g/m².
  • Between each layer drying time: 30 minutes at 20 ° C.
  • Perform a light cotton ginning (grain 120) between the layers to improve rendering.
  • Protect from the rain for 24 hours.
  • Optimal efficiency obtained after 5 to 7 days.


Packages of 2, 5 and 25 litres.


  • 160 to 200 g / m²
    5 to 6 m² / litre



  • The application, preparation and media must conform to the DTU in force, 59.1 (painting work), 42 (cladding), 36.1 (wood joinery), etc.
  • The joinery joints must be airtight.
  • Areas where the wood fibres are too prominent must be sanded again.
  • The nodes in the case of cladding must comply with class A described in the standard EN 14 519. Always ensure good adhesion of the product.
  • Remove all the edges on the transverse part of the profile, the angles must not have a RADIUS < 2 mm.
  • Wood with resin on the surface before application must be excluded, the sanding on the resin to effect to spread it and pollute the abrasives.
  • The forms shall not cause water retention areas, the slope must be greater than 15% (8.53 °) from the horizontal.
  • The wood should be at least 48 h stabilization under shelter and a temperature not more than 5 ° C difference with finishing.
  • For softwood cladding, the quality of the wood must correspond to minima in the class defined in the standard NF EN 14519.
  • In the case of an application of ImperGuard Color Special wood on elements of carpentry, the wood must be saturated product to prevent any ingress of humidity.
  • For the ends, cuts, piercing it is imperative to saturate the wood protection product.
  • The difference in temperature between the bracket and the workshop must not exceed 5 ° C.
  • Store in a dry place at a temperature between 5 ° C and 30 ° C.
  • Storage: 12 months from the date of manufacture, in original packaging unopened.
Non-qualifying media
  • Wood treated, rétifiés, modified.
  • Autoclave wood class IV.
  • Fire retardant wood exposed outdoors.
  • Wood varnished, oiled, waxed, etc...
  • Lustrous wood (fine-grained type 240).
  • Raw lumber without prior sanding.
  • Damp wood (> 20% humidity).
  • Wood with microorganisms or insects.
  • Dusty wood.
  • Wood with edges sharp non rounded.
Guard Industrie
GUA 56610005003

Specific References