Sanitation agent for roofs and walls. TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE is a cleaning product (disinfection and treatment) for the elimination of mould, mosses, algae and bacteria

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Sanitation agent for roofs and walls

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  • TechNICIDE - CONCENTRE is an ALGICIDE -FONGICIDE - BACTERICIDE sanitation agent for roofs and walls.
  • TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE is a cleaning product (disinfection and treatment) for the elimination of mould, mosses, algae and bacteria;
  • TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE is a water-phase concentrate, which must be diluted with water in order to obtain a ready-to-use product;
  • The TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE is intended for the maintenance and preparation of media.




  • The TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE is suitable for walls, terraces, woodwork and many materials (wide spectrum of efficiency);
  • TECHNICIDE - diluted CONCENTRATE, is absolutely non-corrosive and non-toxic. It does not attack non-ferrous accessories such as faeves, cornices, hooks, nails,...;
  • TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE acts in depth and should not be rinsed,
  • The TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE offers good performance over time and good resistance to rain.


Implementation and precautions:
Surface treatment:
Preparing media - before coloured or colourless treatments are applied:

  • Mechanically remove mosses, lichens and algae by brushing and/or under water Pressure
  • Spray -TECHNISPRAY 10) TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRATE diluted 1/25 or 1/50 in water (depending on the condition and porosity of the medium) on dry or wet media.
    This can be done immediately after cleaning with pressurized water;
  • Allow to act at least 24 hours before a coloured or colourless treatment is applied;
  • For highly contaminated media, a second mechanical cleaning followed by an application of TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE (diluted 1/25 or 1/50 in water) may be necessary;
  • Application dose: 0.2 to 0.5 L/m2.

Maintenance - as soon as mosses, algae or lichens appear:

  • Spray-spraying (TECHNISPRAY 10) TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRATE diluted 1/10 in water;
  • Its action is visible after a few days and the mosses, lichens and mushrooms brown. Their elimination will be gradually by the action of rains and wind, and can last several months.

Treatment of masonry in masses:

  • TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE (diluted 1/10 in water) allows the removal of mould set in the thickness of masonry in treated areas;
  • For the modus operandi, please consult our technical department.

Notes - precautions:

  • Avoid excess TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE in water tanks (deflect ingunk spouts or clog flow points during application);
  • TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE (diluted 1/25 or 1/50 in water) is perfectly resistant to rain, so it is not advisable to reapply TECHNICIDE - CONCENTRE (diluted 1/25 or 1/50 in water) just before applying a coloured or colourless finish.


Technical features:

  • Class biocide: 2;
  • Active ingredients: 50%;
  • Characters: curative and preventive;
  • S2: keeping out of reach of children;
  • S13: keep food and beverages, including those of animals, away;
  • S20/21: do not eat, drink or smoke during use;
  • S24/25: Avoid contact with the skin and eyes;
  • C106: The use of this product can cause temporary and local pollution of water and soil. Take the necessary steps to prevent environmental contamination;
  • Diluant and cleaning agent: water.


Packaging and storage:
5 - 25L
Keep out of frost - Stockable for 1 year.


Specific References